Leading Destiny Activator Gloria Payoyo
Activating Your Path to Your True Self
The Sacred Path
7 week immersion to uncover your sacred self, fall deeply in love with who you truly are, and start living a joyful life doing what you love, guilt free!
Hustling like crazy to keep it all together, taking care of everything and everyone else while neglecting yourself, feeling overwhelmed with making sure everything works out, and living a life that leaves you feeling unfulfilled and SO. TIRED. ALL. THE. FREAKING. TIME. is NOT your purpose, sacred one!
Do you sometimes wonder what the hell went wrong? You did things by the book, you played fairly, you’re a good person, and you are giving it everything you’ve got. But it’s just not right… And you feel it when you watch everyone else living the life of their dreams and having what looks like the perfect life.
This ends today!
What if you knew what matters to you, felt deeply nourished and full, and had a personalized roadmap to your true self?
In The Sacred Path you are going to ditch the fear, confusion, and anxiety around what the hell you’re meant to be doing with your life, breakup with that soul sucking job or relationship, and get laser lucid clear on your path, your purpose, and what truly lights your heart up on FIRE!
Feeling no guilt or shame for relaxing and taking the time to nourish your mind, body, and soul.
No longer living your life based on other people’s terms as you gain confidence, release expectations, learn to say NO, and set healthy boundaries.
Dropping the stress, frustration, and overwhelm in your schedule AND getting things done.
Removing the restrictions and beliefs around who you are, and shifting into limitless potential where you know in your bones that you have the power to create your dreams.
Undeniable self-worth and being totally inspired by the life you are creating.
Calm and confidence filling every single pore of your divine self.
Falling deeply in love with yourself, and knowing that you deserve it.
What you get:
1 x 90min Soul purpose initial consult to uncover your blocks and get you aligned with your true path
6 x 60min Sacred purpose coaching sessions
1 x 15min Personalized soulful purpose healing meditation
Bonus 1: 1 x 10min Mental Serenity meditation to get clear, calm, focused, and energized quickly
Bonus 2: 1 x 10min simple tapping technique, Tapping into Freedom, to release guilt, release shame, and bring in all the goodness you want
Bonus 3: 7 x weekly divine affirmations to keep you feeling lit up and positive throughout your week
1 x 90min Energy Healing Session to remove blocks, patterns, and beliefs keeping you stuck and shift into feeling lighter, connected, and free from and mental chaos
7 x 30min weekly support via Messenger
Karissa Thomson
Color Street Independent Stylist & Le-Vel Promoter
Christine K
Community Advocate
Why Work with Gloria Payoyo?
Living on other people’s terms, doing what everyone expects of you, and feeling stuck and confused is NOT your purpose! I’ve been there myself... I lived a life of accomplishment, asked for everyone’s opinions, and stayed busy so I wouldn’t feel the sadness and emptiness inside me. After starting a business and a big wake up call, I realized that I was done with that life. So I invested years and tens of thousands of dollars into personal development, healing, and breaking up with everything that wasn’t loving and healthy for me. I experienced my feelings after being numb for so long, I released myself from other people’s expectations, I found my life purpose, and I made the brave decision to live life on my terms. It was rough and I dragged myself through the mud... But you don’t have to!
I know this work. I have helped thousands of people get ahead of their individual needs and implement new skills into their lives. I have trained diplomats, military service members, spouses, parents, and kids. All while starting over every 3-5 years due to my husband’s career.
Not every coach:
has 7+ years in preventative behavioral health for the federal government
has formal training from an internationally accredited coaching school
has over 10 years in high touch personal development experience, from participating to coaching to leading
creates partnerships to bring resources, education, and empowerment to several of Hawaii’s at-risk communities
has navigated their way out of narcissistic abuse
wins awards and accomplishments for their work in preventative behavioral health
has learned multiple healing modalities to address physical, spiritual, and mental needs
commits to a life of personal development to always reach new levels
values your time so you can get in, get clear, shake things up, and get on with your life
will help you laser in on what you need and personally value so you can start creating the life of your dreams
How about it? Is it time to invest in yourself FOR yourself? Not for another accomplishment. Not for another promotion. Not for another degree. Not for anything else that looks good on paper and leaves you feeling empty ever again. Are you ready to come alive? Are you ready to start your journey towards true happiness and life purpose? If so, what are you waiting for? The world is waiting for you!