Welcome to my blog! Hot Empowered Mess Movement is a complete unveiling of what’s behind the curtain. The good, ugly, and the honest truth. So join me on this messy journey as I truly learn to honor myself, hold boundaries with love, and be completely raw and vulnerable to the world. It won’t always be pretty, but I’m hell bent on healing and following my heart! And I hope that you are, too! And hopefully I inspire someone to be truly authentic and love themselves enough to speak their truth, too! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dreams, or your dignity. ”
September 16, 2021
Love. What is it worth? Is it worth devaluing ourselves to get it? Is it worth a million comprises that lead to being soooo far away from where we would choose? It is worth fighting for someone that doesn’t truly see or know you?
No, that kind of love only brings pain and compromise. That kind of love costs too much. That kind of love sucks.
But what about love that values us most? What about love that adds to our lives? What about love that supports us and encourages us to stretch and grow?
That kind of love would be remarkable! So, is love neutral? Is it like money? It can do amazing and horrendous things? It seems it. So why don’t we teach it that way?
Why is it something worth aspiring to? Why is it worth our autonomy? Why is it worth our self-respect? I love the idea that love is neutral. It’s only to be aspired to when it adds to your life and builds you up. It’s a chemical reaction that contributes to the survival of our species. It’s not wrong or bad. It’s not inherently good, either. It’s neutral. Like words, money, and our subconscious. So why don’t we teach it that way from now on? So we don’t confuse love with pain. We’d see it as neutral and look at if it’s adding or taking away from our lives. Then move forward accordingly. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“The way you do one thing is the way you do everything.”
July 6, 2021
Ugh! Yesterday I asked someone to move my car and they hit it perfectly to puncture the tire wall. Soooo, I immediately needed a new tire and we rushed off before my tire went flat. And while that sucked, what sucked even worse was learning how shitty of a job my ex was maintaining my car. He had 4 different brands of tires with 3 different tread types on my car. And I learned yesterday how bad that was for my car and how dangerous it was for me.
Here’s the thing. During our marriage he was always questioning me and my motives. Me! I’ve never cheated on him, don’t lie, and always made decisions for what’s best for the family. And I never understood it. But now I do. He never trusted me because he can’t be trusted. He wanted to do the work himself instead of pay for a mechanic. And I just trusted him while he was doing shitty work. So if you’re shady and can’t be trusted, then of course you can’t trust others! And the years of him not trusting me, questioning me, and second guessing me is a direct reflection of his character, not mine. While me blindly trusting him to do his best, expecting him to ask for help or pay a professional, and being honest about his capabilities is a direct reflection of me and my character, not his.
While I spent over 20 years trying to convince him that I was a good person that he could trust, I would never win that war. How could I? If he himself is shady, not worthy of trust, lies a lot, and knows his work is shitty, why would he believe I’m different? Because in order for him to do shitty work, lie, not be worthy of trust, and shady, he’s had to justify it to himself. And no matter how I showed up, I couldn’t change his mind about people.
So thank you, my ex, for the last rape that ended things between us. Thank you, God, for the healing and growth before and after the last rape. And thank you, Rey, for puncturing my tire so I could further confirm that leaving him was the best thing I ever did. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Make no apologies for high standards.”
June 1, 2021
Sis, I got high standards. And I don’t apologize for them. Period. If you can’t meet me half way, it’s a no for me. If I’m more committed than you, it’s a no for me. And if I’m carrying the load, it’s a no for me.
It’s an abundant universe and we can all have win-win situations. So if it isn’t a win/win, it’s a no for me. There are far too many opportunities to miss out on to stay committed to a losing situation. And it’s not my responsibility to explain it to you when you can’t or won’t see it.
But I can still love you as you are. I just won’t participate in any losing situations. And that will actually preserve our friendship!
And if you’re in a situation that has someone losing, you can always stop the situation. If someone isn’t all about everyone winning, you don’t have to play with them. Because it’s an abundant universe, so why would anyone play with someone that doesn’t believe in win-win?!? 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”
March 23, 2021
Funny, I was doing a meditation today and remembered doing a guided meditation years ago that revealed to me that I needed to leave my husband. I’d had a knot in my shoulder for over 15 years and was just used to it. It was a part of me. And that meditation asked us to talk to dark spots in us to find out what they needed. My knot needed me to leave my husband. I was shocked! Leaving him was just never an option. I could change him. I could settle for whatever he was willing to give to me and our family. And I could (and did) make up the difference. But how could I leave him?!? So I promptly put that idea away and carried on.
Then in December 2017, we were in an activity where we were telling each other how we love and how we want to be loved. And he kept asking for more time and patience. At that point we’d been married for 18 fricken years! My head just kept saying, “I could have had a baby, raised it, and sent it off to college, and you need more time?!?” Then, my brain and my soul agreed, I choose me. And so I started putting my needs first. I started investing in me. I started facing and working through my traumas. And I started healing.
Then I wanted to play the biggest game of my life. I wanted to play it because I was ready to change everything. I was done being small and shrinking, it was time to truly step into my power. And he wanted to play with me. I really didn’t want to play with him, especially since he always competed with me. I was on my healing journey for myself and had no competition. But he always found the words I needed to hear, so we played together.
And it was the best and worst. He did amazing and I fell into support like I always did. And finally, I was ready to break free. It was scary and he pushed back. Our unspoken agreement was that I would do all the work and he’d take all the attention and credit. And I was breaking that agreement. But he was called out for how he treated me by others. So he became the best husband for almost 2 months. He was back to the man I dated and fell in love with and I was so happy.
Then the game ended on a Friday, and the following Monday he raped me again. This time we knew what it was. See, we faced it and named it during the game. So I couldn’t go into denial. And I had healed too much to lie to myself anymore. So my world fell a part. And thank God for some of my friends that saw me change dramatically. They challenged me to focus on my future. They challenged me to anchor to my vision. And they challenged me to heal and take care of me.
And here I am today. I left him and have been on my own for almost a year. I’m standing in my power and demanding my worth in our divorce. And I know what cards I hold and am not afraid to use them if he won’t be responsible.
So, thank you, Dr. Jody, for the guided meditation. Thank you, shoulder knot, for revealing what my body knew from the first rape. Thank you, PSI Seminars, for the Love Dyad so that I could hear his pleas for more time and patience. Thank you, me, for choosing me. Thank you, PSI PLD, for second weekend. Thank you, Margaret, for calling me out and Seamus for coaching me. Thank you, my ex, for that last rape. Thank you, T and Robin, for making me promise to get help. Thank you, Ayeshah, for challenging me to get back up. Thank you, Alicia, for holding a sacred space for me to heal and deal with all the ugly truths I denied for so long. Thank you Kapilina Beach Homes, for making me an offer I couldn’t refuse. Thank you Joe, Travis, and Shannon, for helping me settle into my new place. Thank you to so many friends that I’ve been able to lean on when dealing with my fear, scarcity mindset, and frustration. And thank you to me again, for betting on me, pushing through shit for me, and always coming back to what’s right for me. I love me, so, so much! And know that I have my back. And for that, I am most thankful! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“The best revenge is to just happily move on and let karma do the rest.”
April 19, 2021
Lord knows, he keeps trying. This time he tried by appealing to my mothering. He wanted us to leave the house out of the divorce so “we” could leave it as an inheritance to our kid. WTF?!? The house where he raped me multiple times he wants to make sure to give to our kid. And acting like, “where is she going to live if I go overseas?” Ummmmm... with me motherfucker! With me.
So smart of him! And just like our marriage, our divorce is all about what’s right for him and what I will tolerate. He’ll say thank you and that he appreciates me. But his actions try and try again to take as much advantage of me as he can. He’ll try to twist facts, he’ll act angry, he’ll appeal to my compassion, and now my mothering. He 100% does not appreciate me, or the fact that he isn’t in jail, or the fact that he still has his career. Zero appreciation for how kind and graceful I’ve been and he’s still trying to take advantage of me.
Good old ex, give him an inch and he’ll take a mile! And I can see how there’s more forgiveness work for myself. How did I sacrifice EVERYTHING for such a selfish bastard? How did I give so much of myself for someone so destructive? Why did I waste so much time with him?
So I will continue to stand in my power, demand my fair share, and forgive myself. Because I deserve to live in abundance. I deserve to live in my peace. And I deserve to live in so much love and gratitude. As I am. Period! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Every experience can bring growth.”
March 15, 2021
I am incredibly grateful for my business partner doing personal development and going for it! And so funny how God sets things up...
I’m not looking for anything, but open to the idea that if I meet a man worthy of me that I would be open to dating and a possible serious relationship in the future. There are several parameters and I’m not looking for anything right now. In fact, I’m deep in the process of figuring out what I like and want moving forward. Yet, one of my biggest parameters is that he has to be an equal partner. It’s one thing I never had with my ex. So I actually don’t know how to be an equal partner, I only know how to carry the majority of the burden.
Enter my business partner. We met, hit it off, and got along very well. We’re opposite in a lot of things, yet we work together well and respect each other, so it’s beautiful and works well. Then we decided to go into business together. And at first, I was a bit obsessed that she wasn’t meeting me half way. I was carrying the majority of the burden and it was getting under my skin. In fact, I got to the point where I was okay if our venture failed since I wasn’t willing to do most of the work and only take half the pay.
But God is funny. We filled our first class. So I went into serving, but a little part of me was angry. Did I need to have an unpleasant confrontation with her? Yet, I never felt the need to confront her and even though I haven’t known her for long, I care about her. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks! Can I love her and accept her for where she’s at and allow her to grow into my equal partner?!?
The fact is, no one will start as my equal! Either I will be stronger than them or they will be stronger than me. So it’s about accepting and loving the other person as they are AND as they are becoming! Who knows? Maybe God has someone coming that’s really deep into personal development and understands more than me? Wouldn’t I want him to allow me to grow into his equal?
And the funny thing is that she now shows up hard! She does her best to meet me, she brings her strengths to the table, and she’s learning and growing everyday! She’s my perfect partner! And the load is getting shifted little by little each week. Because she is perfect as she is and perfect as she’s becoming! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“The world is a wheel. When we rise or fall, we do it together.”
March 11, 2021
I am a healthy 42 year old woman. I’m a vegan that cheats a little here and there. I’m obese, but my blood work and blood pressure is great. I don’t get sick and it’s incredibly rare to even get a headache. I am a very healthy 42 year old woman.
In addition to that, I have a fear of needles. Not surface level, as I have several tattoos. But when the needle goes into my skin, my mind freaks out about having something foreign in me. My body has also rejected a nose piercing and fought like hell for a couple of weeks to get the Mirena out of me so much that I ended up in the emergency room years ago.
I eat pretty clean, I don’t take vitamins because I prefer to get my nutrition from fruits and veggies, and I don’t get a flu shot. I use essential oils and do everything in my power to give my body what it needs naturally on the rare occasion that it doesn’t feel great. And I got the Pfizer vaccination today.
I didn’t get it for me, in fact I was originally very adverse to getting it. I know there are chemicals that I don’t want in my body in vaccines. I’m not high risk and if I got the virus, I’d probably be an asymptomatic person spreading the virus without knowing it. I’ve pretty responsible and wear my mask in social situations and stay 6’ away from strangers. I do hug friends that are healthy and responsible. I do go to lunch meetings and network with a handful of people inside or more if outside. I’ve used more hand sanitizer this past year than I have in my whole life. And my OCD serves me very well at this time.
I did it for us. I did it because as a society, the faster we can fully open, the better. Because families are suffering and need us to do our parts to conquer this pandemic. Because I miss having people over and chatting around with tons and food. Because I want kids to go back to school and socialize. Because our elderly deserve to be surrounded by their loved ones. And because even though I responsibly wear a mask, I hate it.
And walking up to the hospital to get my shot, there was an old man without a mask that started yelling and screaming when he saw a middle aged couple without masks that they were the only people that had common sense. We cannot rely on the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers to do this. We can only rely on us. People that trust our government. People that rely on science. And people that put each other above our own wants and desires. I’m not saying that we self-sacrifice. We’re just smart enough to see that we all rise together! And when my brothers and sisters succeed, we all succeed!
So please get your vaccination as soon as you can! Do it for our elderly. Do it for our immunocompromised. Do it for our society. Do it to get the kids back in school. Do it so we can gather in numbers again. Do it for our brothers and sisters that are suffering and need our economy to open back up. And do it so that people coming to the end of their days can have loved ones beside them in the hospital. We can totally conquer this forever pandemic! We just have to do it together! Because when you rise, I rise! So let’s rise together! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.”
February 9, 2021
I see how much resistance I have in creating BDYB. Although it is so powerful, it requires me to do the work. And sometimes I just want to be mad at my ex. Mad at all the lies. Mad at the cheating. Mad at the abuse. Mad at the rapes. Mad at him saying he’s doing the work then repeating the behavior. Mad that it took so long to walk away. Mad at our friends that know the truth and still engage with him. Mad that I was kind and gentle when leaving him and he wants a quickie divorce and I don’t trust him so I’m slowing things down. Mad that I have to slow things down and pay attention instead of being able to trust him to split everything 50/50. Mad that this was supposed to be easy and graceful and it’s not. Mad that he’s trying to pressure me. Mad that I have to keep holding my boundaries. Mad that he doesn’t respect me and never really did. Mad that I spent 22 years with someone that never saw me as an equal or respected my thoughts, feelings, or worth. And mad that it took so much for me to stand up for myself and walk away.
The truth is, he showed me who he was behind the mask. He showed me he’s a liar when his words didn’t add up. He showed me he didn’t care about my feelings when he lied to me about cheating on me. He showed me how much he cared what people thought when he ignored me around others. He showed me everything once we got married. I saw it all by 2000. Yet, I was so committed to him and making it work that I just kept making more and more compromises. I was more committed to him than he was to me. In fact, I was more committed to him than I was committed to myself!
So Breaking Down Your Bully is all about letting go of the tight grip of anger. It’s about being willing to see that other person for what they are. Because they aren’t a monster. They’re a scared, angry, or hurt person acting out. And that leads to compassion. And compassion leads to forgiveness.
So there’s a part of me that just doesn’t want to forgive. I want to sometimes see him as a monster. As a liar. As a cheater. And as a rapist. And he is all those things! Just not because he’s a monster. Because he’s a scared little boy that’s hurt, angry, and acting out. Because he feels powerless without control and dominance over others. And because he is still blaming others and seeing himself as a victim so he can justify hurting others.
And I am committed to finishing Breaking Down Your Bully! Little by little, as I continue to do the work to fully forgive and release him. Not because he deserves it (because he doesn’t), but because I do. Period. Because I deserve my dream life! And I’ve got to let go of my anger and pain towards him to fully step into it. And so, I choose me! Not my anger, not my pain, not my hurt. Me, my future, and the life I want to create!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! And so it is! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“When you are in alignment with the desires of your heart, things have a way of working out.”
January 22, 2021
Thank you to me. I wanted to be lost and confused and overwhelmed and speed through it all. Yet, my soul knows better and showed me that slowing down is better. Instead of speeding through, accomplishing goals, and getting shit done… My soul asked to breathe, feel, and choose the next step. So I can stay in alignment. So I can show up in my power. Because I am no longer blaming anyone, including myself. I am taking responsibility and choosing how I move forward. No longer being swept through with busyness or just trying to keep up or stay ahead.
What’s mine is mine. Period. So I don’t have to chase it, earn it, or worry about losing it. It’s mine. And God knows me because He built me. He knows my stubbornness, my weaknesses, and my strengths. He’s added the time I take to work through my shit to accomplish what He wants to see done through me. So I am always perfectly on time. His time, not always mine. Yet, I know that His time is better, so why would I settle for mine?
Thank you, Lord, for so much unconditional love! Thank you, Lord, for the unconditional grace. And thank you, Lord, for the unconditional guidance. I appreciate you, I love you, and I am grateful for you! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Difficulty calls us to rise up. And in that rising, we learn what we are capable of.”
December 30, 2020
I am a completely different person! No more needing. I’m set on money and rent for 2 months. I have a plan for 2021. I don’t feel the need to always be with my kid. I don’t feel the need to be pretty or liked. And I don’t feel the need to do anything to prove my value. I’ve freed myself from my attachment of need! So... what do I want?!?
I want to maintain my freedom. I want to rise into my life mission. I want to love every moment of my life. I want to inspire and empower others. And I want to live in prosperity in all positive areas of my life! I want to RISE!
So, 2021 is all about my rise. I had it all, saw it was all bullshit, decided to walk away from it all because it was a beautiful prison, faced my fears dead on, and gave myself my freedom. Now I get to decide who I am and who I want to be. I get to decide what I want my life to look like and who I want in it. And I get to rise into my life calling of empowering others into their greatness! And for that, I am profoundly grateful!
So, thank you, husband, for the last rape that revealed that no matter how hard I tried, I was always going to live a lie with you. Thank you feelings, that wouldn’t let me numb out and accomplish so I could validate what I had settled on as my life. Thank you Ayeshah, for inspiring me to get off the couch when I felt so hopeless and broken and tying me to my vision. Thank you Mom, for being callous and uncaring so I would be forced to do it myself. Thank you friends that I confided in for supporting me, honoring confidentiality, giving me an ear or a shoulder, and challenging me to be who I truly am. Thank you kid, for being such an amazing soul. Insightful, gracefully calling me out on my shit, and supportive. Thank you friends and clients that have trusted me, supported me, and talked to other people about me and what I do. Thank you pandemic, for literally stopping the world so we could pause, be still, become aware of everything happening inside of us, and know what really matters. Thank you God, for carrying me when I couldn’t walk, sending me angels when I needed help, giving me time and space to face my demons and heal, and constantly reminding me of what I want to do in this earth. Thank you mentors and coaches, for inspiration, belief, tools, techniques, methods, and knowledge to teach me how to create what’s in my head and heart. And thank you, you, for reading, following my journey, looking into my programs, supporting my small business, and trusting me to support you in your journey!
2020 was all about freedom for me! And now 2021 is about my rise! How about you? What’s 2021 about for you?!? 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“The world is a great mirror. It reflects back to you what you are.”
December 17, 2020
Mirrors... beautiful mirrors that may not feel good or be pretty to look at, yet hold so much value!
I’ve already decided that I no longer want to be in or around grey. Grey is an area where there’s no real assigned responsibility. It’s an area where things can be unspoken and confusion can live. It’s a place where we aren’t fully truthful or don’t say things because other people might not like us. It’s a place where, “I didn’t know” or “you should have known” or “someone should have...” lives. It’s a place to live when you’re not willing to be 100% responsible for your life, actions, or decisions and need a back door, someone to blame, or a way out. Fuck. That. Shit.
Yet, I was in a business relationship with someone that operated in grey. Someone overwhelmed and not grounded in their work. Someone spread thin. Someone that didn’t answer all my questions and didn’t meet their end of the deal. Someone that was passive aggressive in their critiques. Someone I had to consistently pull from because they weren’t on top of things. Someone that I felt I needed to stay small around to keep them comfortable. Someone out of alignment with that they are teaching. Someone that was living and operating in grey.
And there was a part of me willing to play along because I was being paid. WTF?!? And now here’s the uncomfortable part. How is this a mirror FOR me? Ugh! Not pleasant at all!
This person is a mirror for me because they are me 10 years ago. Doing great things, getting lots of praise, and looking great on paper. This person is a mirror for me because I can see how out of alignment they are and know where their road goes since I’ve already traveled it. This person is a mirror for me because I was willing to extend our business relationship even though it frustrated me, so it’s showing me how I was willing to be out of alignment for money. This person is a mirror for me so I can rejoice in how far I’ve come and celebrate where I am even when I get frustrated that I’m not as far along as I’d like to be. Yet, I am a world away from who I was 10 years ago, 7 years ago, 3 years ago, and even 1 year ago! This person is a mirror for me because they mean well, but them not dealing with their shit means that what they’re building won’t stand for long. Mine didn’t. I literally got to the point where I had it all. No budget, brand new house in Hawaii, limited edition SUV, great bank account, pockets of money in many investments, the picture perfect family, I had everything I needed and wanted, and we were all killing it in all aspects of our external life. We looked fabulous on paper and on social media. Yet, so fucking empty and unhappy on the inside. Then it all began to crumble and fall apart so I could choose to rebuild something truly happy, meaningful, and everlasting. I was meant for more, so I was called to more. But I had to have everything I once desired to truly see how empty and numb that life was.
So I am grateful for this beautiful mirror! This person is a beautiful reminder of why I do what I do. This person is a beautiful reminder that if it will stand, I get to work through all my shit that comes up so I’m building from true choice instead of “need” or fear. This person is a beautiful reminder that being out of alignment with who I am, what I stand for, and what I want to build is no longer a choice. And I am so incredibly blessed and proud of myself for where I am at today! Laying the foundation of a company that will profoundly change people’s lives beyond mine. And for that, I am so incredibly thankful! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Everything shakes before the breakthrough.”
December 10, 2020
I was blessed to see a dear friend really lean on her faith because everything around her was shaking... Her health, her dreams, and her faith. Luckily, she’s placed herself in realms where she’s supported and stays open and connected through the tough times. Then, her breakthrough! Everything fell into place all at once! And how perfectly beautiful it all played out! From not knowing, to relief, and now huge forward movement!
Because there is a bigger picture here! Sometimes we’re called to bigger, to more. Life isn’t about just making it day by day, paycheck to paycheck, month to month, or year to year. Life is So. Much. More. Than. That!
Life is meant to live OUT LOUD! We’re meant to live our full selves! Our pains, hurts, and traumas have to do with why we are here. My rough youth ensured that I would really care about middle and high school girls and create programs to support them! So our past wasn’t meant to break us... it was meant to build us perfectly for our life mission!
What an amazing blessing, once we let go of the pain, hurt, anger, and suffering! But we have to get there first! So what you need to do to let go and heal? If you need to work through the past, find a therapist that works for you. Do you need to figure out who you are and where to go for your future? The Sacred Path will reveal your needs, values, and put you on your path to living in alignment with what matters to you most. Are you ready to stretch into bigger and take on the work to get you to your dreams? The Magnificent Mastermind will give you structure, accountability, and shifts in perspective to get you there!
Figure out what you need, then get really picky about who’s going to support you to get there. Listen to your gut/intuition, be brave, then step into moving forward! Because you deserve your dreams! And you’re going to give them to yourself! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“The more grateful I am, the more beauty I see.”
December 7, 2020
I am so incredibly grateful! I am grateful I’m here. I’m grateful for my intuition. I’m grateful that I get to help others. I’m grateful others help me. But mostly, I am grateful for God’s grace, love, and support!
I am trusting myself more and more. Cultivating a deep trust within myself to speak up when I want/need to, know that my intuition is right, and know that there’s a reason when things don’t go as planned. And deeply trusting that when I don’t get what I want, it’s because I am getting so much more! God/Universe/Source/Spirit also sends me little confirmations. And for that, I am so thankful!
And seeing how focus and discipline will get me everything I want as long as I keep my faith. Seeing how what I want to do is too big for just discipline and too big for flow, I need both. So that’s why I’ve been called to balance. That’s why I needed to fully let go of discipline long enough to stop feeling guilty. That’s why I needed to have fun and thoroughly enjoy flow. And that’s why I’m called to balancing it all out now. So that I can have bigger, more, and manage it all!
So now, it looks like highly structured and productive days (with little breaks) that end in the evening. Then flow and fun evenings and weekends. So I get to get stuff done, spend time with my kid, take care of my body, hang out with my dog, and rest. And for that, I am so incredibly grateful! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Let’s go make some history.”
November 29, 2020
I’ve done it! I’ve decided that I’m ready to thrive and stepped into abundance! Crazy that it was just a decision! How funny is that?
So now, accountability! How do I keep myself moving forward with a full heart, loving what I do, and challenging myself to get stuff done and keep stretching? I’m going to post my wins daily on social media. So I can take a moment to revel in my wins and be evidence for anyone looking for someone spiritual, aligned, scared, and getting it done. And I’m soooo excited!
Coming into rest was a struggle. Then I fricken loved it! Probably the first time in my life I didn’t “have” to do anything. It was a time of accepting myself as I was without judgement and trusting that God has my back, all bills will be paid, and everything that needs to get done will get done.
Then there was a deep feeling of wanting more. Then the resistance of getting back at it when it took soooo long to let go and just be. Then the tickling at my feet to move forward faster. And now stepping fully into it, making a deal with myself to give myself evenings and weekends off, and the excitement of going full speed ahead again!
So, look out! Because I’ve learned that I am enough as I am. I’ve learned that I deserve the world. I’ve raised my standards big time. I’ve allowed myself to dream really big! And now, it’s time to get my dreams and give them to myself! Let’s gooooo! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“Thousands of Marine combat veterans earned medals for bravery every day. A few were even awarded.”
November 10, 2020
Happy Birthday, Marines!
My birthday wish to you is peace and prosperity for us all. My birthday wish to you is a unified nation of people moving forward together. My birthday wish to you is a centered and grounded Commander in Chief that seriously dwells on using his troops. My birthday wish to you is democracy in action. My birthday wish to you is people exercising their right to vote, peacefully protest, and make positive changes that benefit us all. My birthday wish to you is equality among all men, women, and children. My birthday wish to you is a nation that chooses to come together, gives each other grace, and chooses love over fear. My birthday wish to you is faith that God/Spirit/Source/Universe is always in control. My birthday wish to you is a booming economy with fair living wages for all. My birthday wish for you is for no service member to need public assistance because they are paid more than enough to support their families. My birthday wish to you is love, hope, and joy.
And I thank you! I thank you for the long nights of work to stay on top of the hundreds of obligations. I thank you for putting yourself in harms way to protect our nation and our way of life. I thank you for healthcare and housing so no service member or family has to worry about their health or their home. I thank you to the countless family member that hold it together, become caregivers, and heal their hurting and traumatized loved ones. I thank you for being able to travel the world and live as a diplomat. I thank you for the countless ER visits to open my daughters lung up when she had trouble breathing. I thank you for seeing and experiencing racism and misogyny so I would know exactly where I stand in my beliefs. I thank you for seeing and experiencing dictatorships and governments that served themselves instead of their people so I would recognize it when it tried to root itself in our home. I thank you for military laws that hold service members accountable when in combat and at home. And I thank you for being able to serve service members and their families for many years.
A proud 245 years of serving our nation, protecting our freedom, and sacrificing for the greater good. Thank you, thank you, thank you! God Bless our nation. And God Bless the United States Marine Corps! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith & Flow,
“And grace will lead me home”
October 18, 2020
I am angry and hurt. Not because of what someone has done to me or something that happened to me before… but because I am not following my morning practices that keep me grounded, centered, and calm. I’ve developed a beautiful relationship with my intuition and God and can easily call on them. I’ve also been called to rest and more being than doing. So I’ve been playing, watching tv and movies, and relaxing. Yet some of those are distractions and cost me when not managed.
So what do I choose to do? I choose to forgive myself. I choose to allow myself a shit ton of grace as I learn this difficult balance lesson. I see how too much relaxation and fun takes me off my personal maintenance. I see how being in my head makes reading the Bible a burden instead of a blessing. I see how being in my head creates less moments of joy. I see how my morning practices support me in being in my body, staying in alignment, and staying connected to God. So I choose to gracefully bring these practices in. Ideally, morning practices, house stuff, food and fun, getting ready, work, end back in fun, and sleeping to healing music or meditations. Lots of fun, lots of self love and self care, and getting sh!t done. So I choose to lovingly and gracefully move closer and closer to my version of balance. So that I can have it all. Because I have decided on it. And so it is! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“If another can easily anger you, it’s because you’re off balance within yourself.”
October 1, 2020
It’s been a minute and my mind and body really feel it. I put my mindfulness on the back burner and now my mind is screaming. I am frustrated, angry, and off-center.
I’m really worried and angry about the election. Worried about who will win. Worried that it may turn into a shit show. Worried that things are going to get ugly.
And I’m angry. Angry that people don’t see the lies. Angry that people support what I perceive as hate and division. Angry that ignorance and hate look like they’re winning. Angry that friends are supporting the other candidate and actively working to make others join them…
And angry that I’m off-center and want to angrily engage and “school” people. I’m angry that I caught myself pushing my beliefs out there and became polarizing myself. So where do I stand between angry that my friends are hurting and people are trying to take away my rights and rights from others and bringing us back to unity? How the fuck do those 2 worlds co-exist? How do I balance 2 opposites I fully believe in?
And how do I reconcile being mad at others for wanting to sway people, with myself wanting to sway people? I am being a hypocrite here. Which means I’m out of alignment. And I have worked too damn hard to give up any part of my alignment. So here’s what I know:
I know that I am a child of God, deeply loved and always protected and provided for. I know that God is in control and His plan is playing out perfectly. I know that we are all learning our lessons on our own paths. I know that I am perfect as I am and as I am becoming. I know that God wants us to be happy and thrive, so much so that He sometimes drags our asses to get there. I know that God is always good and knows best. And I know that He will never abandon us. So what do I do?
I come back to unity. I come back to love and acceptance. I forgive myself and love the sh!t out of myself so I can always come from a full cup. I give myself grace for my mistakes and rejoice on learning my lessons. I allow myself to be human and forgive myself for falling away. I protect my peace of mind and walk away or turn off things that don’t serve me. I come back to center, give myself what I need, and take off the pressure to always “get it right”.
What do I need to do? I need to take care of myself daily. No skipping meditations. Period. Things may get rough so staying centered will be most important. Eye of the storm. Slow and steady progress in these times. Building slow through this storm so it will stand through any storm. Slow and steady.
What about friends that are triggering me? Love them. If they are in fear and anger, they need love most. No abandoning anyone. Hold clear boundaries and show up as 100% you. You are strong enough, just stay grounded.
And grace. Give yourself grace, give others grace, and trust the timing. God is in control and things are playing out perfectly. Grace is always given, never earned. Remember that. Remember who you are. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.”
September 14, 2020
I’m not responsible for what’s happened to me! I’m not responsible for shitty parents. I’m not responsible for the neglect and abuse I endured growing up. I’m not responsible for any of the molestation, sexual assault, and rapes that I’ve survived. I’m not responsible for feeling like I’ve never been good enough and had to “earn” love. And I’m not responsible for how other people have treated me. PERIOD!
Just like how it’s not the other person’s fault if I’m having a shitty day and act like an ass. Like how it’s not my ex-boyfriend’s fault that I cheated on him my freshman year in high school. Like how it’s not the pigeon’s fault that I ran over it 20 years ago. Like how it’s not the other woman’s fault that I didn’t like her and talked shit behind her back many times when I was younger.
Funny how we blame ourselves for what we do AND for what we have been through. That’s crap! Choose ONE SIDE to be responsible for, then be wholly responsible for that side! So, here’s what I am responsible for...
I am responsible for my happiness. I am responsible for my future. I am responsible for who I allow to be in my life. I am responsible for relationships and situations I choose to stay in. I am responsible for my healing. I am responsible for how I show up in this world. I am responsible for my actions. I am responsible for learning my life lessons. And I am responsible for the life I choose to live.
I’m not saying there’s no responsibility. I’m saying we are only responsible for us, our decisions, and how we show up in life. Not other people‘s choices, decisions, or actions. So take full responsibility of your life and empower others to take full responsibility of theirs. Allow natural rewards and consequences to flow so lessons can be learned and learned lessons can be celebrated. And let’s love ourselves so much that we take full responsibility to live our dream life! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“A strong woman looks a challenge in the eye and gives it a wink.”
August 24, 2020
I am a survivor. I have survived abuse, neglect, molestation, rapes, unhealthy relationships, traumas, and more. YET I AM STILL HERE! And I am not broken. I am not damaged. I am not less than. I am not asking for your pity. I am not a victim. And neither are you!
I AM enough. I AM worthy. I AM whole. I AM loving. I AM loved. I AM stronger. I AM kind. I AM forgiving. I AM graceful. I AM safe. I AM here. AND I AM NOT DONE. How about you?
Our value has nothing to do with how we’ve been treated. What others think of us has zero to do with our deservedness. Our worth is innate. We are enough. Period.
I have run through my fires. I have avoided my pain and suffering. I have betrayed myself to “earn” love. I have allowed my self-doubt to destroy opportunities. I have self-sacrificed to prove I am a good and deserving person. I have chased money and accomplishments. I have felt numb and lifeless on the inside while looking like I had it all on the outside. And I have decided that enough is enough and I deserve to heal.
I stopped running, slowed down, and walked through my fires. I sat with my pain and suffering. I cried. I screamed. I raged. I released my anger. I allowed myself to stop and breathe. I allowed myself to just be. I forgave myself for not knowing better. I found myself. I fell deeply in love with myself. I grew to trust myself. I healed myself. Then I bet on myself.
And HERE I AM. Standing for what matters to me. Walking in faith. Even if my knees sometimes shake. Because this is freedom. And while freedom takes more work and is much scarier, it’s also SO MUCH SWEETER!
Our mess is meant to be our message. Our pain and suffering can free us once we heal them. We’re meant to feel the good and the bad. We can be brave and face our fears to conquer them. We’re meant to show our beautiful scars and tell our heroic war stories. We’re here to inspire others because we walked through the same fire they are in and we made it through.
So maybe someone with the same scars needs to hear our stories. Or maybe someone needs to know there’s light at the end of the tunnel. And maybe our beautiful, hopeful, and inspiring message that was forged in pain, suffering, and rage is exactly what others need to decide to heal, bring them back to love, and come back alive. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“You don’t need more time, you just need to decide.”
August 17, 2020
No one is coming to save you. There is no rescue boat. There is no magic pill you can take that will save you from your silent suffering.
YOU must decide to save yourself.
YOU are the one to change your life.
YOU are the key.
YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for.
YOU are the magic and the light.
YOU are brave enough and deserving of the freedom you desire.
If you want to know how and are ready to release the shame, fear, and chains of the past so that you can begin to direct your future, email or text me.
Let’s connect for a sacred heart to heart chat.
You can do this. You’ve got this and I’ve got you. It’s time to release the past, reclaim your life, and build your future. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
P.S. Taking 3 new clients for The Sacred Path next week. Space is limited. The time is now. Decide.
“Will I ever be good enough?”
July 30, 2020
My feelings hurt. I had a good conversation with my mom the other day, then she called my daughter yesterday to fact check me. Me! I’m not the liar. I’m not the cheater. I’m not on my third husband. I’m not the mother that only wants a relationship with her daughter if she listens and does that I say. She fact checked me!
So I called her and asked her why. She had to hear it for herself. Didn’t matter that I already told her. Didn’t matter that it hurt my feelings. It only mattered that she got what she wanted.
And she said to my kid that her father and I are being childish by separating. She literally said that to my kid! WTF?!? What kind of grandmother tries to undermine her granddaughter going through her parents separating after 20 years?!? My mom does, and unfortunately it’s pretty normal behavior for her.
So it hurts. I thought that maybe we could have a relationship. I was hopeful... But she showed up as she always does. Trying to make me look bad, telling me my thinking is wrong, and I’m obviously making bad decisions or am the one at fault. And it’s never about me. It’s always about her needs, what she wants, and her point of view. I need to understand her and agree with her point of view regardless of if she actually lives what she’s preaching.
So, yeah, I’m fucking mad. And I know that she’s doing the best that she can and she’s not evil, but it hurts to not have my mother’s love or support. I don’t know unconditional love from my mother, my father, or my husband. I only know it between my daughter and I. And it hurts so bad sometimes when I want more.
I know I am blessed by God, my kid, and so many beautiful people I get to call friends. I know I am blessed with a life purpose to lift and empower others. And I know that I am building my business to support me and my kid in living the lives of our dreams. I know just how blessed I am. I am human, though. And sometimes wish I had a place to land when I feel weak and vulnerable. But it doesn’t seem in my path. It seems that I get to always choose strength, I get to love the shit out of myself through difficult situations, and I get to teach what I learn to others.
So I’ll put my big girl panties on soon. I just want to vent, cry, scream, and be human for a while. Thank you for reading. And if you’re like me, please know that you’re not alone. There are times that suck, times that hurt deeply, and times that we want to burn it all down out of anger. But we’re stronger than that, we’re smarter than that, and we know we’re made for more. So fight your fight, you badass warrior! You got this and there’s nothing that can stand against you for long! Keep going and I’ll see you on the other side of this crappy moment! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you.”
June 19, 2020
Can I love ALL of me? The stubborn me? The angry me? The lazy me? The victim me? The me that laid on the couch for months after the rape? The scared me that refused to look at my marriage and stayed married after the last rape? The me that knows better? The me that doesn’t give a shit about your feelings? The me that’s failed so many times? The me that isn’t pretty and perfect? The me that won’t allow myself to step into abundance? The me that blocks my blessings? The spiteful me? The me that feels resentment watching others thrive? Can I love every single part of me?
Absofrickenlutely! Yep, I even love the me that makes up words! Because all of those me’s brought me here. Brought me to my freedom. Brought me to renting my first place by myself. Brought me to my peace of mind. And are bringing me forward into my greatness. I teach falling deeply in love with yourself, and I do love myself deeply. That’s why I’m here and I refuse to give up on myself! It’s why I keep swinging the bat. Why I keep showing up. I love myself deeply! And now it’s time to love ALL of myself! Not just the pretty parts...
Not just the me that deeply cares for others. Not just the me that sacrifices for the greater good. Not just the me that’s a phenomenal mother. Not just the me that’s a powerful leader. Not just the me that’s grounded, centered, and intuitive. Not just the me that accomplishes more than 100% of my goals. Not just the me that is the best at what I do. Not just the loving and graceful me. Not just the strong and resilient me. Not just the creative me. Not just the me that is full of love and light. It’s time to love every single part of me! Because I deserve it.
I deserve to adore me. I deserve to treat myself like a queen. I deserve to honor myself. I deserve to speak my truth with grace and love. I deserve to bring me to all of my dreams. I deserve to rest and relax. I deserve to have fun and experience joy. I deserve to have beautiful, loving relationships. And I deserve to know no matter how I show up, I am deeply loved and accepted by myself. Period!
So now I get to love all parts of me. So I can love all parts of you! And while this has been all about me, it’s really about us. Because we deserve all these things. Period! Because we are worthy and divine innately. Nothing to earn, nothing to prove, just deserving through and through. And I am so grateful and thankful for that! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“No future without forgiveness”
May 30, 2020
So much pain and anger nowadays. Police brutality, riots and protests, police backlash, and so much suffering. It’s hard to see. My brothers and sisters are hurting. They have been maliciously killed because they were born the “wrong” color. So much oppression in the land of the free. Oppression because of race. Oppression because of gender. Oppression because of sexuality. Oppression because of class. Oppression because of ability. All false identities. Because we are perfect and beautiful and children of God that are all connected. So any bullshit belief that I am better than so and so is fear and anger at myself. So I wrongfully project it onto you. Like a coward. And because I am a coward, I won’t dig deep into myself and see what’s hurting and angry inside. I’ll take it out on my brothers and sisters. And seeing this in action makes my heart hurt. So. Damn. Much!
So what do I know? I know that the best thing I can do is heal myself. I can look at why this hurts so much and love myself enough to heal it. I know that I am brave. I know that I can look at myself and see what beliefs I have that are being triggered. And I can change the game within myself. Once I discover what beliefs aren’t serving me, I can challenge them and shift them. Turning my beliefs from working against me to working for me. Because I am a badass warrior with a huge heart, a force to be reckoned with when I choose.
Personally, I have always felt like an outsider. A half Asian, half lots of other things, female from a highly abusive past. Called a chink in elementary and middle school, haole in high school, told by the people that should have loved me most that I was nothing and would never amount to anything. My whole family attributes my success to my abusive husband, and I have been discounted and demeaned time and time again by those that should have loved and lifted me. Yet, like Maya Angelou... Still, I rise!
So I know that I am a fighter. And the toughest fight is within. To let go of hiding so people won’t get too close to see the abuse. To show my mess. To let go of thinking I’m an outsider and accept that I am a leader and a warrior here to uplift and fight for myself, my brothers, and my sisters. And to be a living example of what you can do with your life despite your history. Because it doesn’t matter where you came from, where do you want to go? 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“The moment of surrender is not when life is over, it’s when it begins.”
May 24, 2020
I woke up with a clear message, “stop settling”. It’s funny, I was very demanding and controlling before. So I had to let all that go and surrender to flow and God’s plan. And I’ve been decent with flow and surrender, but there’s been frustration with not progressing in my business as fast as I desire (notice I said decent, not amazing). And today I get the message to stop settling. God is so funny! And really perfect.
Now that I can let him lead me, it’s time to get back at it. Stop settling with myself and others. Demand what I deserve from myself and others. Get back to building what I want to see with flow. And finding that beautiful balance of manifestation and surrender so I can build bigger than I ever dreamed of... because why would I settle for my plan when God’s plan is so much greater?
So thank you, Lord, for the guidance. Thank you for loving me so deeply and being patient with me to love myself. Thank you for the lessons. Thank you for the protection. And thank you for the blessings! I am ready!
And now I will take another step forward. In building my empire. Meditations on YouTube, digital coaching package, healing crystal bracelets, digital products to support the healing journey, and in person coaching. And once I’m settled in and profitable, back to the community events! I said 2 in 2020 and I know they are coming. Because I am finally in alignment with God’s blessing. And so incredibly grateful for it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! And so it is. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”
May 19, 2020
I had a PSI sister think of me and we started messaging. It was interesting. She was interested in what was happening in my life, and kept referencing an us vs them mentality. I’ve seen that a lot lately! Poor vs the rich. Who’s in control vs the powerless. Those following God’s Law vs people that serve themselves. It’s an old story (white vs black, good vs evil, left vs right, etc.), but it’s funny to see it in the spiritual world. The basis of spirituality is that we are all connected. When I hurt you, I’m hurting myself. Do unto others as you’d have them do unto you. So it’s interesting to see us vs them in the spiritual world.
I believe that if there’s an us vs them mentality, that’s not love. And love is always the answer! So there’s no us vs them. There are my brothers and sisters and some of them are hurting. Some of them feel unloved and unworthy, so they try to fulfill themselves by lashing out, hurting others, taking, hoarding, attempting to control things and people, and other forms of acting out. I know what control is, I held onto it in “nice” forms for so long. Needing control is fear. And when someone is in fear, they need faith. So the answer isn’t in a fight. I tell my kid all the time that you don’t beat the monster by becoming the monster. The answer is in compassion, love, and forgiveness. And that doesn’t mean that you expose yourself to toxic or unhealthy things. Love can look like walking away gracefully because you deserve more.
And the funny thing is I needed my husband’s help yesterday. I know him, he loves being the hero. And I needed him to be one. So he showed up to help. I asked God why, especially since he now knows where we live and has been in my new house. And it was obvious. The answer is love. Not hiding from him. Not me cutting him off. Me facing him, being graceful, asking for help when I need it, supporting him when he needs it, and partnering as a parent. God isn’t going to let me go to be angry and hold a grudge, I’m being called to practice all I know. And that takes strength.
So if you find yourself falling into an us vs them mentality or situation, I hope you stop to really look at if that’s the fight you want to be in. Or do you want to be stronger and stand in love? Because you are wise, intuitive, brave, strong, and you are enough! So what can stand in your way? 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“Look for the good in every person and every situation. You’ll almost always find it.”
March 30, 2020
A letter to COVID-19,
Thank you... thank you for slowing us down. Thank you for giving us time to stop and breathe. Thank you for time to sleep. Thank you for giving us time to look at our thoughts. Thank you for opportunities to heal. Thank you for opportunities to check on loved ones. Thank you for feeling loved and special when I am checked on. Thank you for lots of family time. Thank you for naps. Thank you for home cooking. Thank you for plenty of time for self care. Thank you for silence. Thank you for almost empty spaces. Thank you for forgiveness. Thank you for focusing on connections instead of commerce and currency. Thank you for time to learn. Thank you for time to clean. Thank you for time to organize. Thank you for establishing a whole new routine. Thank you for so many people posting and sharing positivity. Thank you for showing me who lives in fear and anger. Thank you for showing me where I live in fear and anger. Thank you for strengthening my faith. Thank you for getting me back to moving my body. Thank you for reminding me how my perspective is everything. Thank you for companies stepping up to take care of the community. Thank you for kapuna hours. Thank you for smiles from strangers. Thank you for more creativity. Thank you for moments of pure joy and laughter. Thank you for funny YouTube videos. Thank you for showing us that our society can be taken off autopilot and be changed. Thank you for schools serving free meals. Thank you for focusing and providing for those that need support. Thank you for humor. Thank you for showing us how our actions impact our environment. Thank you for so many speaking out and sharing their knowledge. Thank you for bravery. Thank you for appreciating unsung heroes. Thank you for great weather. Thank you for stillness and calm. Thank you for witnessing so much love. And thank you for creating a huge shift so that we get to decide what we want our world to be once you move through it. We’ve paid and continue to pay a high price for these lessons, but you are showing us so much about us and our world. Please move quickly so we can move forward. Many of us have learned our lessons and will continue to learn more. Many of us are more mindful. Many of us see things clearer. So thank you, we appreciate everything you’ve done for us, and it’s time for you to go. So that we can implement our learnings. So that we can create a new normal. So that we can start building a more compassionate world driven by grace instead of profits. Driven by love instead of fear and anger. Driven by people stepping into who they are and what they want to bring into our world. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“Act as if you’ve got a long, happy life on earth ahead of you. But do not shrink back from something you desire because it’s too risky. Just being alive is risky. Allow yourself to experience whatever your heart desires as if this is your one and only chance to take the ride of your life.”
February 24, 2020
So I took a HUGE risk in December! I was really unhappy in my marriage and feeling drained from the control and dominance that I didn’t even see in my own home. I was figuring out what to do about it and terrified of the answer. Until an amazing woman who owns her power and stands for women standing in theirs asked me what would be the most loving thing I can do for myself. It was an easy answer from that perspective. I needed to leave. So I made the decision to ask a friend to move in and cried from the fear of taking on the next step.
I called my girlfriend and cried my eyes out, and I’m not one to cry at all. It was so incredibly hard to be that open and vulnerable. It was almost unbearable to be willing to receive support at that level. To just surrender to what God has in store and move along my path. Letting go of control and not knowing what the future looks like. It sucked! But I did it. And she said yes.
So I moved into her home in January and have been able to breathe. No dominance or control over me there. No demeaning statements, no bad moods that are mine to “fix”, no one trying to bend my will to serve their needs... Just a house to relax, sleep, and heal in. And she’s barely home so it’s been a beautiful place for me to feel independent and listen to my inner voice. And boy, has my inner voice been leading me to heal through a lot of my bullsh!t!
I don’t know what the future holds, but I do know that a life of being dominated and controlled is not for me. This is my one life. My one shot. My only chance to create the life of my dreams. So I choose to walk in faith, heal, grow, and set up a beautiful life full of love and laughter. And anything less is not acceptable!
How about you? Your life is your one shot. So what are you shooting for? Because you are a divine child of God/Universe/Source/Spirit, and you deserve the life of your dreams! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Faith &Flow,
“Freedom, where are you?
Cause I need freedom, too.
I break chains all by myself,
Won’t let my freedom rot in hell...
Hey! I’ma keep running cause a winner don’t quit on themselves”
November 25, 2019
I am tired. I am working on healing myself, forgiving myself and others, being a good mom, building my 2 businesses, organizing community events, resting my body and mind when needed, and spending time with people I care about. It’s a lot!! And I still think I should be doing more. However, let’s be real… I am a human so while I can do a lot, I have time and energy limitations.
Why are we so hard on ourselves? Why do most of us grant grace to others and demand our maximum capacity at all times for ourselves? Especially women… Why are so many of us so tough on ourselves instead of appreciating how much we show up for ourselves, how much we do for others, and how many people we impact? So while there’s a part of me that says I should have woken up earlier today so I could get EVERYTHING I wanted to get done today, I also recognize that I just completely passed out when I was meditating. So I am tired and I love myself enough to not beat myself up about it.
Healing is a process. And mine is a messy one right now. I have leveled up and I am looking at my childhood again to finally release my belief that I am powerless. I learned that belief very young and it has followed me throughout my life. It started when I was a toddler and saw my dad hurting my mom, it continued throughout my abusive childhood, it followed me through sexual assaults and trauma throughout my life, and it is still present in my marriage. And I am over it. I am sick and tired of feeling powerless and disowning my power. So I am finally ready to get rid of this belief. However, this belief has had my @ss since I was 3 years old and I am 41 now. So I am dismantling 38 years of a belief that has owned me and created trauma and abuse in my life. And like a bad@ss, I am looking it in the eye and dismantling it anyway.
So why am I being so hard on myself? How many people get to their core limiting beliefs and say, “No, b!tch, you don’t get to have me anymore?” How many people continue to work through their past again and again every time they level up? How many people will do what it takes to truly practice what they preach and own their hypocrisy? I hope if you are reading this, you are one of those people or are inspired to become one of those people. Because while it is hard and will require so much of you… it is also the most freeing and loving thing you can do for yourself. To shed all of your beliefs that hold you back, to get rid of the self sabotage, and to truly forgive, accept, and love all of yourself!! I hope you join me to unapologetically and authentically stepping into our greatness!! Because we deserve the life of our dreams!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“You have two choices:
You can make a living, or you can design a life.”
October 21, 2019
I am in resistance. I know that I am healing, walking away from toxic relationships and situations, creating the life of my dreams, AND I am in resistance. I am leaving behind everything I’ve known, for better things, however it’s pretty scary. I know how to be in relationships with narcissists. I know what it’s like to shrink when my light shines too bright so I can avoid the anger from the narcissists in my life. I know what it’s like to hand over responsibility and let someone else have control over my life. It’s suffocating and frustrating and there are so many consequences… But I know what it’s like and it’s comfortable. It’s a sad statement, however, it’s absolutely true.
I also know that I am meant for more. I know that I am strong, tenacious, and resourceful. I know that I am an example for my daughter and leading her through my actions. I know she deserves more. I know that I deserve more!! And I know that I am committed to walking away from all forms of abuse around me. So I am fighting my personal battle of stepping into my greatness with all of it’s responsibility and hard work against my default of just accepting that this is the life I have to live. I am fighting to walk away from mediocrity. And my mediocrity looks pretty damn good to some people and even looks good to me when I’m tired. However, I know that while it looks good and some people aspire to have what I have, it’s come at the cost of staying in unhealthy relationships that don’t serve me or support me. And it’s time for me to step into all of me, release unhealthy relationships, and design the life I want to live!! And if you are in the same situation, I hope you do too!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“I am happy, hurting, and healing at the same time. Don’t ask me how I’m doing it, because I don’t know, but I am doing it, and I am so proud of myself.”
September 2, 2019
Whoa!! It’s been a minute!! However, I’m back!! Things got really crazy with the holidays, then I played a 90 day personal development game with PSI Seminars, had a very traumatic incident that took me out for 2 months, completed a nationally certified coaching program, and have been creating my new “normal” since. I'm a completely different person from December 2018… and I’m so grateful and blessed to have healed and grown so much since then!!
What’s different? The short answer is a lot!! I went from an okay marriage, to the marriage of my dreams, to a marriage I’m unsure will see another year. I’ve really found me, my true voice, and I am unapologetic about who I am and what I want. I know I want to build 2 businesses for myself and my non-profit and I am soooo excited about where my partnership in Waianae is going and thrilled to start working to lift young people (foster youth). I am now able to truly see that when I am triggered, that something in me is ready and wants to be healed. I now see things that bother me and shifts within myself I get to make. I know that I am a recovering enabler. I’ve let relationships go that were anchoring me to the old me versus loving and supporting the real me. So much more, however mostly, I have taken responsibility for my life, I really fricken love myself, and I am committed to filling my cup so I can always poor into and lift others.
It’s been an incredibly tough time, a healing time, a time of great self awareness, and a time of immeasurable joy and pride!! I feel like the phoenix… I had to walk through fire to get here, but I AM HERE!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“When you judge another, you do not define them, you define yourself.”
December 11, 2018
How judgy are you? Do you find yourself judging others and deciding their worth? Next time you catch yourself, sit in your judgments of others and figure out what they mean about yourself. What’s the story you’re telling yourself?
For me, my judgments were a way of running away from feeling worthy of love. And those judgments were what I felt I needed to forgive myself for in order to feel worthy of love.
But we are worthy. PERIOD!! We don’t need to do ANYTHING to be worthy. No matter what we do, mistakes we make, or what has happened in our past… we cannot diminish, limit, or take away from our worthiness. We are worthy and deserving of love just by existing!!
So if you catch yourself judging others, stop and watch for messages, programming, or limiting beliefs that lie to you and tell you that you need to earn or prove your worth. Choose a word, picture, emotion, or anything that resonates with you to anchor into the knowledge that you are already worthy. Practice it, create muscle memory, and if you ever forget, center yourself and come back to I AM WORTHY!! Ground yourself to keep coming back to who you truly are.
Sit with yourself to really learn how to know if you’re coming from a place of knowing your worth or trying to prove your worth. And if you find yourself off track, no worries!! Ground yourself, come to center, remember you are worthy, get into alignment, and then decide what actions you want to take. Use your heart when making decisions so you’ll always come from a place of love and how you want to express your love to the world.
If you are already loved and worthy, what do I want to do with your life? What do I want to put love into? How do you want to express your love? What do you want to share, grow, and/or experience?!?
And remember, Earth is our school. We are loved and worthy even when learning new lessons and making mistakes as we learn. We didn’t beat ourselves up when we were learning a new algebra equation… so no beating ourselves up when working through life lessons. We ALL deserve at least as much grace as we give to others. Now take a deep breath, ground yourself into the knowledge that you are a divine being, and share your love with the world!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“Let it flow!!”
November 26, 2018
My Thursdays are dedicated to BNI. BNI is a professional business networking organization that believes in Giver’s Gain. We meet weekly to educate each other about our businesses, build relationships with each other, pass referrals, and we sometimes get guests that share their businesses or partnership opportunities with us. One Thursday, we had someone from YMCA visit to talk about their pledge drive and the programs they offer the community. I was deeply touched when I learned they had an at-risk program for middle and high school kids affected by drugs. I knew drugs are an issue in high school, but middle school seemed so young to me.
So I approached the gentleman that spoke about the YMCA and offered to donate 20-25 dresses to girls that complete the program. Some girlfriends heard me and offered their services. Another girlfriend that is a financial planner wanted to offer her services, so we added a budgeting component. Next thing we knew, because so many friends wanted to jump in and help, we had a full event created!! What started as wanting to incentivize 20-25 girls became an event for 45 middle and high school girls across the island!!
What I learned from this experience:
- A chance opportunity or meeting can wake you up from being numb or living on autopilot - God/Universe/Spirit is guiding you to something bigger - Trust and have faith that support will be there - Stop trying to control things and surrender to highest and greatest good - Why settle for what you want when you can create so much more through surrendering? 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“I trust the divine track. The world has my back.”
November 19, 2018
My daughter and a friend I dearly love were attending PSI Basic and I was volunteering as staff. Saturday night is the big one!! If you reflect on what happens Saturday night, you can really see what’s happening in your subconscious. Saturday night was HUGE for me when I went through PSI Basic. Saturday night is when I realized I play life Lose-Win... I realized I play life for me to lose so you can win. Saturday night is when I saw that when I love someone, I expect them to hurt me. Saturday night is when I had evidence that I had a scarcity mindset. Saturday night can be profound if you let it!!
Volunteering (staffing) meant that I stayed later than the participants to reflect and set up for the next day. Participants are assigned homework and are instructed to spend their time in silence to reflect until their homework is done. That silence was incredibly profound for me.
So our staff meeting went a little long and I had to find my daughter when we were done. I was hoping that she would be sitting in silence doing her assignment. I mean, that totally made sense since we were going to get home at almost 10:00pm, still had to eat dinner, she had to take a shower and get ready for bed, then be back and ready to roll at 8:30am, right?!?
So imagine finding her in a crowded area chatting with my dear friend. I was so annoyed that I instantly rolled my eyes when I saw them. She wasn’t reflecting in silence and I was so disappointed. I knew my friend wasn’t ready to face her demons. She was avoiding them and going to go out with friends to have a drink. But I expected more for my daughter and I was disappointed.
Even when Saturday night was happening, I found myself incredibly invested in how they showed up and if they were getting it. I was on the edge of my seat teetering, pushing all of my energy into them getting it. The stakes were high for me, I needed them to get it!! And when I caught myself, I had to stop and say a prayer. It’s their journey, not mine. What’s happening is exactly how it should happen and God has a better plan than I could ever imagine. I can’t make them get it. That’s up to them. I can only be responsible for how I get it and show up. So I surrendered and gave it to God. It’s going to unfold how he wants it anyway, so why not just trust Him?
And on the car ride home I did say a few words (okay, it was more than a few words) to Kaia about how she could let that night be profound or avoid her programs. How she could be derailed by cool and fun or sit in her discomfort and learn from it. She could have a profound evening and change her life or avoid it and go back to normal.
Then we got home and my husband and I got into an argument. We had a miscommunication and he got the wrath of my anger. He was repeating one of his programs and I was in my programs overreacting and taking my anger out on him. We weren’t seeing eye to eye and it became painfully evident that we wouldn’t. So I surrendered. I was done trying to make sure our marriage worked out, I was done trying to make sure he got it and wouldn’t repeat the same mistake, I was done being 2nd or 3rd or 4th choice for him, I was done being scared of leaving him… I surrendered and gave it to God. If divorce is for highest and greatest good, then let it unfold organically. I was done trying to prevent it or control it.
And I fell asleep on the couch and had an amazingly restful sleep. I woke up tired but on time and started my day. I found myself walking into Kaia’s room to check if she did her homework. Then realized I was still trying to make sure she got it and had to surrender once again. So I walked out, gave it to God, then started my day.
This was the first time I surrendered to God versus trying to control things. It was scary, but freeing. And now (10 months later), my husband and my daughter have taken responsibility for their own lives. I’m no longer over-responsible and now they have freedom and the breathing room to make their own choices. And they make damn good choices!! I am so incredibly thankful and grateful that I had the courage and faith to just step back, surrender to God, and let him show off!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“Be aware of what season you are in and give yourself the grace to be there.”
November 12, 2018
I was in the shower and realized I was frustrated that I wasn’t as efficient as I used to be. My new normal was seriously lazy compared to my old super efficient self!! But then I realized how there was a season for everything and I was in a season of deep healing. I could feel that I was going to start beasting it out and getting back to super efficient soon, but my season at that moment was to let the deep healing happen so I’d be ready for beast mode and doing things out of love instead of spite. Doing things out of love was a weak muscle and I had to heal a lot of old programming to strengthen the self love muscle!!
So don’t stress out or beat yourself up when you aren’t your “old self”!! Honor the season you’re in, love the shit out of your current self, and let your path unfold like our creator and your genius soul decided on!! Forward movement is forward movement, regardless of your speed!!
And maybe honoring your season and loving yourself exactly where you’re at is what it takes to get back into beast mode!! Because unconditionally loving and accepting yourself seems to be the answer to almost everything!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“The bigger the challenge, the bigger the opportunity for growth”
September 24, 2018
Congratulations!! You’ve leveled up!!
Ever have a time when you know you’re on the right track, but things are going against you?!? You are making progress, on your path, but nothing is going your way?!? Or maybe even repeating old issues that you’ve already dealt with?!? Guess what?!? You’ve mastered the last level and now you’ve leveled up!!
Life works FOR you at all times!! Never against you!! But just like a video game or exercise program, once you’ve mastered where you’re at, you get to go to the next level. And when you pick up those heavier weights, it’s really hard!! You have to conscientiously use effort now!! No more auto pilot here!! You have to be aware, Use effort, make sure you’re in proper form. Same in life!! You mastered that level and got comfortable. Great!! Now it’s time to get uncomfortable again and grow some more!! And how amazing that you’ve mastered that level!! That’s something to celebrate!! And since you’ve mastered that level, it’s only a matter of time that you master your current level, then level up again!! How amazing is that?!? Now stop feeling sorry for yourself, celebrate the fuck out of the fact that you mastered your last level, and say “bring it” to your new level with a wink!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“Things change. And friends leave. Life doesn’t stop for anybody.”
September 17, 2018
It can get weird when you show up differently... You know some people that are very comfortable with who you used to be and really want you to stay that way. There’s nothing wrong with them, they just love the old you. And it can get weird when you show up differently!!
Went out with 2 old friends that I haven’t seen since making major life changes. One is always competing with everyone and the other is pretty open and happy. When we had dinner, the competitive one immediately started talking about how her diet was much better than mine (she was Keto at that point and I had just started plant based) and didn’t include me or my opinions in the conversation. The open and happy one was deeply in love and gushing how much she loved her man. They had kept in touch with each other more and almost the entire conversation was between them two.
Nothing was wrong with them, I just used to be very comfortable not being seen and heard. When I showed up expecting to be seen and heard, it was weird. So I was trying to jump into the conversation, but at that point, I couldn’t relate. I saw the world so differently. I was completely into leaning into problems and triggers and would sometimes interject when one was complaining about something, then justify it. And if a person isn’t at a point where they’re leaning into issues/triggers, they’re probably not open and receptive to it.
So it was a forced and awkward feeling dinner and I personally reached out to the open and happy one that night to make sure she knew that I was in support of her. Her response was that she was worried about me, I seemed like I was going through some shit. Which was really funny to me since I was doing so well at that time. She picked up on my annoyance with being ignored and mistook it for me having issues and being unhappy.
Again, nothing wrong with these ladies!! They’d each known me for over 6 years at that point and were used to me being happy observing their conversation and supporting their stances regardless. I was the quiet, introverted one that was dependable and supportive. So the open and happy one was genuinely worried about me when I showed up differently and showed my frustration at not being included.
Especially for those that want you to stay the same, haven’t been around you when you have major life changes, or like to compete with you to feel better about themselves... it might get weird when you spend time together. It’s okay!! Celebrate how far you’ve come and dwell in the evidence of all your hard work!! Love them for where they are and you keep going!! As you change and evolve, you’ll attract people to you!! You don’t have to leave people behind, but it’s totally okay to be who you genuinely are!! Not who you were before or who they’re expecting you to be!! Trust that everything unfolds exactly how it’s supposed to and that that weirdness was supposed to happen!! Who knows, you might even write a chapter about it!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“Do what you love, take care of others, enjoy life, create a legacy, give back”
August 20, 2018
Bill is a dear friend that I worked with when I was a Family Readiness Officer (FRO) taking care of military families. He’s a kind, caring man that worked as a Military Family Life Counselor, helping Marines and their families when I was a FRO. We worked together on multiple occasions and he was always incredibly supportive and let me vent when I had rough days.
We met up for lunch in February when he was on vacation in Hawaii and we got to chat, update each other on how much had changed in our lives, and celebrate our friendship. He’s retired and talked about his and his wife's adventures exploring the world and shared his knowledge on how to get affordable cruises. It was an amazing lunch with a dear friend!!
One thing that stuck out from our conversation was his outlook of enjoying life and doing things he and his wife have always wanted to do. They weren't taking life for granted and were creating a life of adventure, joy, and peace. This is a couple that lived their life in service of others (his wife headed another program focused on serving military families) and had finally slowed down. What amazing examples of lives well spent!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“What lie have you been told, that you still believe?”
August 6, 2018
Sooooo, I have an amazing coach!! She’s loving and nurturing and helps me push past my fears and limiting beliefs. Working with her, I realized that I believed that life was pain. Growing up, my mom would always tell me that life was pain, but I thought I rejected that belief. Imagine how shocked I was to realize that I actually believed her?!?
I’ve also been blessed to have amazing people work beside me for greater good. Charles Hew-Len is an amazing inspiration and publicly speaks to inspire people to see themselves as more as then they currently are... to see their potential, realize they want to grow, and decide to choose themselves and personally grow and get uncomfortable!! I asked him to speak at an event targeting some amazing middle and high school girls that had already seen a lot of life. When he opened up, got vulnerable, and spoke from his heart, he knocked all the girls’ walls down!! He spoke of a story where his grandma told him he’d amount to nothing and now he’s a multi millionaire with a huge dream of making Waianae the most beautiful part of Oahu... And he’s helping the homeless... And he’s a humble, hard working father proud of his kids and inspiring so, so many!!
So!! What lie have you been told that you still believe?!? And what can you accomplish when you stop believing that lie?!? 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“Who gives a shit if they wobble?!? I should be proud of my arms and everything they’ve done for me!! ”
July 7, 2018
I was pretty insecure about my upper arms. You know, the part that likes to wobble even on fit women... Until I had an epiphany!!
These arms have done soooo much for me!! They’ve carried my daughter when she was a baby, held everything together the numerous times my husband was deployed, held my girlfriends up when they needed a little support, pulled the truth out into the open, drove myself to the hospital with a thrown out back, saved my dog from being attacked, held back verbal attacks from my mother, wrapped around myself during deep healing, saved a 200+ pound man from falling, planned out many events to empower and lift others, rejoiced in dancing, prayed my deepest wishes, and so much more!!
Who gives a shit if they wobble?!? I should be proud of my arms and everything they’ve done for me!! Fuck the lies I’ve been told of how I’m supposed to look perfect!! Forget trying to be perfect!! Forget being ashamed of parts of me that have served me so, so much!!
Like most women, and especially daughters of narcissists, we were taught a standard of beauty that’s unattainable!! We were taught to hate ourselves because we couldn’t be the most beautiful, most fit, smartest, most creative, friendliest, and all the other bullshit things we’re “supposed” to be!! I believed that I was never going to look like those models or however my mother expected me to look!! And I was absolutely right!! Those models don’t even actually look like that since they’re airbrushed!! That standard of beauty is impossible!! And my mom’s expectations of me were hers, NOT mine!!
So let’s be renegades!! Let’s be true to ourselves, celebrate exactly how we are made, accept and love ourselves unconditionally, and rock our damn arms!! Fuck the ideal standard of beauty!! You are beautiful just as you were made!! So rock that shit!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“In all events, however, the success of the recovery works rests entirely with you, the daughter. Let go of the belief that your mother can or will be different, and will ever be able to give you the love you deserve.”
June 30, 2018
I so have a version of who I want my mom to be and am waiting for her to show up. And she’s given me tons of evidence that she never will… In fact, she freaked out about me not acknowledging my most recent step-dad on my anniversary (literally 13 days ago) and I texted her that our relationship wasn’t working for me. And until she could/would answer me with compassion and love that I didn’t have time or space for her. English is her second language so she wanted to meet in person to talk. And the conversation (4 days ago) started with her wanting to know what my problem was. Then went into the 3 things I needed to change about myself for her. I held my boundary and told her that she needed to love me and accept me for who I am, not who she thinks I should be. But she just can’t. She held to her 3 things and wouldn’t budge. And couldn’t answer me when I asked her why she would choose to be right over having a good relationship with her daughter. And I still found myself in denial. Even now. Acceptance is really hard for me. How do I let go of my version of a loving and supportive mother? How do I accept that the woman that lovingly brushed my hair and simultaneously told me that if I divorced my husband that I’d be on my own is all I’ll ever get from her? How do I let her go especially now that she’s only 60, in the worst health of her life, only getting worse, and reveling in it?!?
I find myself feeling guilty, after all, I was raised to serve her and not have my own needs. So how do I release all attachments of who I should be for her and really stand in my own place? As sick as it sounds, there’s some comfort in her being a little in my spot. I get to be a victim and stay angry. The anger that I deny exists because it isn’t pretty and doesn’t fit into my pretty little box that I’ve existed in.
And the guilt. I’m half Asian (if you know, you know what this means) and my mom is the only person that “raised” me. I mean, I really raised myself, but it looked like she did to the outside world. And how do I abandon the only person that financially supported me until I was an adult? Because in reality, that’s all she did. Mostly, how do I walk away knowing that she’s only getting sicker and at a rapid pace?!?
And then there’s anger… Sooooo much anger!! Why am I still here to serve her? Why do I think it’s my fault if she gets sicker? Why do I still have a sick sense of being responsible for her?!? Why do I still have to carry so many of her burdens?!? Why can’t I just do what I came to earth to do?!? My mission is full of love, light, and healing for so many!! So why do I have to stop and take care of her, fit into her pretty but everchanging box that I’ll never fit into?!? I’ve played that game my whole life. At 40 years old, I know I’ll never win. If I change the 3 things she’s currently asking for, approval and love don’t follow... Instead, I get 3 more things to change. I know this game and I’m done playing it.
I’m stuck on acceptance because I don’t know how to give up on her. How do I truly accept that the human that brought me into this world truly isn’t capable of real love and empathy? And that I was truly on my own from a young child to now? How do I release my responsibility to her and accept that if she’s hell bent on being sick and getting sicker, that’s her choice? And what a selfish choice!! To make sure we are all watching her and being there for her, she’ll just keep getting worse. I mean, how manipulative and shitty is that?!? So instead of dealing with her demons and healing, she’ll just waste away and die at a young age. Fuck that there are a few people that truly love her. Soooo much anger!!
So how do I detach and accept her for who she truly is? A toxic mother that always finds fault in me? Always withholds her love and approval for when I get it all right? And constantly changes the rules so I never get it all right? How do I just accept that that’s all she can give to her only child and let that sit in my heart? That all I can expect from her is a woman that cares more about what the outside world sees than what is actually happening with her daughter and granddaughter? That she’s doing her best with what she has, and can’t grow into forgiveness and love? And that I deserve to be who I came here to be regardless of whether or not she thinks that person is worthy…
This is a hard one for me… But I know that I’m brave, strong, and capable!! I’ve had to be my whole life, so brave and strong are easy for me. But vulnerable and admitting when I’m being a victim come harder. So today I choose to allow myself to be vulnerable and a victim. If only just for today. Truly loving all of me is hard, especially those pieces that don’t fit nicely in my pretty box, but today I choose to love all of me. And let everything be okay. I have faith in divine timing and know that everything is unraveling as it should. And today I choose to accept how I show up to all of it!! And hopefully through loving myself and trusting myself, I can truly open up and accept that I never had and never will have the loving, supportive mother I’ve always deserved… 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
“All that glitters ain’t gold”
June 20, 2018
Sooooo I have OCD and a HUGE fear of roaches!! To me, they epitomize everything that is gross, dirty, and germy!! And for someone with OCD, they’re terrifying!!
One day I opened my cupboard and a small roach ran across my plates!! I was too afraid to catch it and possibly touch it, so it got away. I washed everything in that section of the cupboard and wiped the cupboard out with Lysol wipes.
About a week later I was using the bathroom and when I turned around to flush, another roach was hanging out on my wall. I was trying to muster the courage to kill him, but my phone buzzed and he got away. I did catch him a couple of days later when something told me to look behind the door and there he was!!
I was pretty traumatized by these little incidents and started to “see” roaches behind my shower walls. Which is really weird since my bathroom is one of my sacred spaces. I started to imagine being in the shower and huge roaches would start falling into the shower from behind the walls. I kept trying to clear my head of these thoughts, but they kept coming back...
Then less than a week later, a HUGE flying roach got into the house when we were moving stuff outside into a trailer (I sell clothes and store racks in there). I was paralyzed in fear and told my 14 year old daughter she had to kill it with the vacuum. It stopped flying around and hid somewhere and we went back to moving clothes from portable racks to permanent racks. And as I was moving a section of shirts, it was right there!! And huge!! And I ran away and made my poor kid vacuum it up!!
Then the very next morning I kept “seeing” those big roaches crawling all over me when I was in my bathroom. It really disturbed me since I am normally so at peace in my bathroom and get so much inspiration and ideas in the shower.
Then it hit me like a ton of bricks!! The reason I kept seeing roaches in real life or in my mind was because something wasn’t right!! Kind of like when you see a beautiful picture or painting but something’s askewed.
So I stayed with it and what came up was people have told me that I have a perfect life. I’ve accomplished so much, my husband always kisses me hello and goodbye, our daughter excels at school/sports/anything she wants to dominate, and I have seriously the cutest and sassiest dog you’ve ever seen!! I’ve created a very close and loving relationship with my daughter, we have a nice townhouse in Hawaii, I drive a limited SUV... from the outside, things look perfect!! But something’s not right, if you look close enough, you’ll see the picture’s askewed.
So that’s what this blog is!! A complete unveiling of what’s behind the curtain. The good, ugly, and the honest truth... growing up I learned that being vulnerable was weak!! Strength was holding it all together, self sacrificing for the greater good, and enduring all pain that came my way. But now I know better!! Being vulnerable is strength!! To step into something that every part of my body and mind screams no to, but choosing to follow my heart, takes all the courage and strength I have to muster. So join me on this messy journey as I truly learn to honor myself, hold boundaries with love, and be completely raw and vulnerable to the world!! It won’t always be pretty, but I’m hell bent on healing and following my heart!! And I hope that you are, too!! And hopefully I inspire someone to be truly authentic and love themselves enough to speak their word, too!! 💜💪💜💪💜
With Grace & Grit,
Hot Empowered Mess Movement June 20, 2018